Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Tag: intention

The Power of Intention

As all good friends know, I had a meltdown when I lost my guardian angel Great Pyrenees, Bear, on October 12th. By the end of September, the writing was on the wall, I was going under emotionally, and so I put myself on a strictly […]

When Should You Yourself Do Bodywork On Your Animal?

The answer is, whenever you feel moved to do so. When Rose and I were last at the chiropractor (more about that here), I asked her if she could give me some specific tips or “moves” I myself might use to help continue promoting Rose’s […]

Animal Communication – Can Intention Override Instinct? Hmmmm . . .

A lot of people seem to think that if you can talk to an animal then you can make it do anything you want — kind of like a puppet on a string. They want us animal communicators to talk their dog out of eating […]