Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Health & Healing

That Healthy Gut Thang!

I was reminded just recently about how important it is to keep our gut healthy, and to give it extra attention when our bodies are out of balance. And, of all things, it was one of my horses that red-flagged the issue for me and […]

When the Ego Rules! (… or tries to)

As someone who has worked in the healing arts for the last 30+ years, traveling the nether regions of our world and universe in order to communicate with other species, both present and departed, I find I am often shocked by how others involved in […]

CBD Oil for Dogs – A Case History

As I’ve shifted my focus toward healing with hemp for both people and animals, I’ve begun collecting case histories. Here is a wonderful one that was really miraculous for an aging Siberian Husky, Shadow, who got into big trouble while being boarded. The oil used […]

CBD (Hemp) OIL – A New Lease on Life?

CBD – A New Frontier in Medicine Have any of you readers tried CBD yet, since it was legalized a couple of years ago? I have been taking it in oil form for a year-and-a-half with phenomenal results in the areas of pain management and […]

Practicing Gratefulness and Forgiveness

This is one of my favorite morning coffee spots, and today, soaking up its beauty, I was meditating on what gifts we can offer ourselves that make us feel whole and full of grace. Gratefulness came first, because I was feeling full of it as […]

Square Peg in a Round Hole – What is YOUR Healing Journey Like?

I recently had the most startling memory. I was chopping up sweet potatoes and broccoli for my dogs’ natural diet when it came to me. I have never had this memory before, and it must have been from when I was three or four years […]

Death Means Life

Today was a rare and magical day where we had a total eclipse of the sun, converging with a new moon, coinciding with the spring equinox. I knew it was a momentous time, and I felt I was not making the best of it. And […]

Is There a Connection Between Iron and Laminitis in Horses?

If you’ve ever gone through a laminitis episode with one of your horses, whether acute and later resolved, or chronic and ongoing, you know what a nightmare it presents—both for you, the owner, and, more painfully, for your poor horse. More and more is being […]

Oh, Lordie… What to Feed a Rescue Cat or Dog with Diarrhea?!

This is an indelicate, but common, question. Really! Because rescued animals often have digestive problems. So, while I hate to have to use the “d” word, you are more than likely going to have to address the problem of your rescue cat or dog with diarrhea. […]