Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Thoughts About Animal Communication

The Power of Intention

As all good friends know, I had a meltdown when I lost my guardian angel Great Pyrenees, Bear, on October 12th. By the end of September, the writing was on the wall, I was going under emotionally, and so I put myself on a strictly […]

Anthropomorphism – Dangerous but Tantalizing Territory!

This is something we try very hard to avoid in animal communication: Anthropomorphizing. Which, in this context, basically means attributing  human emotions and characteristics to the animals we talk to rather than accepting what they show and tell us on its face—whether it matches what […]

Learn How to Talk to Animals – A Practical Guide for a Magical Journey

Yes! My book by that same name is finally up on Kindle at! It should be in print on Amazon soon. AND, if you have a Kindle e-reader you can “borrow” it for free through Kindle’s new ADP Select program. If you read it, […]

Animal Communication Ethics – When to Cross the Line

Several years ago, a farrier in one of my beginning animal communication classes reported that a draft horse at one of the barns he worked at had been talking to him every time he was on the premises, telling him about the abuse she was […]

Animal Communication – What Do the Animals Say?

What do the animals tell us in an animal communication session? What is on their mind? Do they have the same issues we humans have? Do they even want to ‘talk’ at all? First of all, yes, 99.9% of our animals do want to talk […]

Animal Communication — What IS It Exactly?

When I was little, I used to make pretend voices and talk out loud for the animals in our household, telling everyone what they were thinking and how they were feeling. It was things like, “No, I don’t wike that food!” or “I want you […]

Talk To Your Animals. Here’s How.

Your animals really want you to talk to them. They want to know — anything and everything. So if you’re hoping to be able to talk to animals, just know, they really want to talk to you too. Try the short exercise below and see […]

English or Western? Baptist or Buddhist?

Does it really matter? Well, yes . . . if you’re involved in a particular equine discipline that requires one style or another. But not really . . .  if you’re not. Just go with whatever makes you comfortable — whatever blows your skirt up. […]

Animal Communication – It’s a Blast!!!

Is animal communication fun? You bet it is! I’ve written a lot of posts about the pitfalls and obstacles encountered by the person on the path to practicing animal communication, the ethics that must be carefully observed, the difficulties involved in maintaining a “clear channel,” […]

Is Empathy a Help or a Hindrance in Animal Communication

Empathy — the trait of feeling what others are feeling — is something most of us possess to one degree or another. And often we aren’t even aware of when it’s happening. We may wonder why we’re feeling so blue after an outing to the […]