Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Health

Health and Wellness: Spirituality in the Desert

We all know it takes more than good food, exercise and rest to attain a balanced state of health and wellness. Our spirits must be nurtured as well. There is no one formula or belief system that suits all, and many of us find God […]


“I was hoping to ride again today, but Mesa and I went down to Pecos to pick up a few of the hounds who were WAY too close to the road down there after chasing a bear. Mesa & I are headed up to the lodge […]

The Vaccination Dilemma

I must admit, I’m pretty averse to vaccinations in ourselves or our animals — or at least to too many of them. We seem to have become convinced that one major way to become healthy is to vaccinate against anything and everything possible. But, while […]

Forget the Baby Food!

Do you remember Frida Kahlo? She was that amazing Mexican painter and idependent spirit in the mid-1900’s? She was famous for her unique “uni-brow,” the effect created by her thick eyebrows that grew so close together they looked like one long line of hair. Anyway, […]

Yes, Today! Yay!

I didn’t dream it would be so soon after my last post, but the weather this afternoon was so sublime, and my back felt pretty darn stable, so today was the first real ride in six months for Bella and me. Hurray! It wasn’t a […]