Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals


“I was hoping to ride again today, but Mesa and I went down to Pecos to pick up a few of the hounds who were WAY too close to the road down there after chasing a bear. Mesa & I are headed up to the lodge now to get dinner ready & bake an apple pie!”

This in an email from my dear friend and amazing riding instructor, Christina Savitsky,

End of a round-up.

after a normal day on the 13,000-acre ranch she and her husband manage in the mountain wilderness of Pecos, NM, one of the most beautiful natural wildlife habitats one could ever imagine. Talk about a setting for the epitome of health and wellness!

Christina’s family enjoys one of the most peaceful, back-to-nature lifestyles one could ever imagine. Mesa Ray is Christina’s 3-year-old daughter who has spent her entire life with Mommy and Daddy, herding cattle, hanging out while Christina teaches a riding lesson, cooking for guests in the lodge, or—get this—participating in her first local rodeo barrel race just this past weekend. There’s probably not much that can beat the healthy lifestyle these three lead in terms of creating health and wellness.

Mesa in her first barrel race with her trusty steed, Sky–Christina leading the way!

Clean air, nature, lots of exercise just in the due course of a regular day—things most of us wish we had but don’t. We live in a city, or spend our days in an office, fall into the trap of focusing way too much on what makes us money instead of what makes us “us.” You know the drill. I’ve done it. You’ve done it. Most of us have done it, at least at one time or another. Health and wellness are sacrificed for “wealth and ‘hellness’.” (Did I say that?!)

Unless you’re a Christina, living in the mountains, what this all boils down to is STRESSSSS, with lots of CAPITAL S’S!. (And this is said tongue-in-cheek, because we all know that any mother of a 3-year-old who is running two businesses and living out in the boonies—well, any person at all—has stress, no matter what their lifestyle may be.)

Three of the absolute best ways to deal with your stress, no matter what your lifestyle (and okay, this is clichéd) are: good nutrition, plenty of good rest and quality sleep, and adequate exercise.

You’re on your own for the exercise, I can’t help you there, BUT, you can:  walk to the bus stop; climb the stairs; bicycle to the grocery story; run in the park—whatever is available to you. As for the good nutrition and sleep, I definitely have a good suggestion there:  you can bet your life on a very simple, single-cell food that will fill in those gaps you create by living on fast food and fat food. It is not a man made vitamin supplement, and your body knows (and loves) the difference. It was one of the first complete foods on the planet and is available to us humans in a very simple, highly assimilable form, and it can not only fill in your nutritional gaps but can literally light up your life and energy. It has mine for 20 years now.

I wish we were all Christinas, with our own version of life on the mountain (even if that version is downtown Manhattan—what fun!), but we’re not. We need help. If you want to add one simple thing to your diet that can substitute for a lot that you’re missing, check out the links below. But be sure and get your exercise too—you’re on your own for that!


Curious? You can learn about Simplexity’s Super Blue-Green Algae HERE. It’s a single-cell, high protein super food (perfect for vegetarian or vegans!), in its natural form, that your body will recognize and slurp up like nothing else—I kid you not. Oh, and you can check out and order the different forms it comes in HERE. I would recommend the very first product you see listed there: “Essentials.” Just try it. There’s a money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, and we ALL need better nutrition.