Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Animal communication

Talk To Your Animals. Here’s How.

Your animals really want you to talk to them. They want to know — anything and everything. So if you’re hoping to be able to talk to animals, just know, they really want to talk to you too. Try the short exercise below and see […]

Animal Communicators Welcome Your Feedback!

Well … I can’t really make that claim for certain. I mean I haven’t done a poll or anything. But from my own experience and what I’ve heard from other animal communicators, we really DO appreciate your feedback on the work we do for you. […]

Do Animals Have Opinions?

You bet they do! And strong ones. Some people still believe animals don’t have souls. Or that they can’t think. Or perceive the passage of time. Or feel emotion. Fortunately science is disproving those old disrespectful views, but not as fast as animal communication is. […]

English or Western? Baptist or Buddhist?

Does it really matter? Well, yes . . . if you’re involved in a particular equine discipline that requires one style or another. But not really . . .  if you’re not. Just go with whatever makes you comfortable — whatever blows your skirt up. […]

How Do We Really Heal? Grace Tells Us.

How do we really heal? From living a good life? Eating the right foods? Getting enough healthy exercise for our physical bodies? Embracing spirituality? Following the Golden Rule? There are lots of theories that address this question, and, as you well know if you follow […]

Horse Lovers Beware: Your Horse Can Read Your Mind!

Here’s another wonderful blog post borrowed from my friend Stephanie, the “Zen Cowgirl”. Boy, is she right on the money with this one! Are you thinking about attending a horse bodywork seminar? Perhaps going to a tack fitting clinic? Or how about participating in an […]

Animal Communication – It’s a Blast!!!

Is animal communication fun? You bet it is! I’ve written a lot of posts about the pitfalls and obstacles encountered by the person on the path to practicing animal communication, the ethics that must be carefully observed, the difficulties involved in maintaining a “clear channel,” […]

Is Empathy a Help or a Hindrance in Animal Communication

Empathy — the trait of feeling what others are feeling — is something most of us possess to one degree or another. And often we aren’t even aware of when it’s happening. We may wonder why we’re feeling so blue after an outing to the […]

Animal Communication – The Velcro Effect

What in the world does Velcro have to do with animal communication?! Well, nothing, really. The “Velcro Effect” is just what I call something that happens a lot between people and animals, or between people and other people for that matter. It has to do […]

Animal Communication: Is It Really For Animal Lovers?

Yes! ……… but … well, maybe NO. It depends on why you want to do it. I know that question sounds really stupid coming from an animal communicator. ALL animal communicators obviously love animals. They do, they surely do. So how in the world could […]