Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Tag: Animal Communicator

Animal Communication – What Do the Animals Say?

What do the animals tell us in an animal communication session? What is on their mind? Do they have the same issues we humans have? Do they even want to ‘talk’ at all? First of all, yes, 99.9% of our animals do want to talk […]

Animal Communication — What IS It Exactly?

When I was little, I used to make pretend voices and talk out loud for the animals in our household, telling everyone what they were thinking and how they were feeling. It was things like, “No, I don’t wike that food!” or “I want you […]

Animal Communication – It’s a Blast!!!

Is animal communication fun? You bet it is! I’ve written a lot of posts about the pitfalls and obstacles encountered by the person on the path to practicing animal communication, the ethics that must be carefully observed, the difficulties involved in maintaining a “clear channel,” […]

Animal Communication: Is It Really For Animal Lovers?

Yes! ……… but … well, maybe NO. It depends on why you want to do it. I know that question sounds really stupid coming from an animal communicator. ALL animal communicators obviously love animals. They do, they surely do. So how in the world could […]

What Kind of Animal Communicator do YOU Want?

I put the emphasis on the YOU here because this life is all about “different strokes for different folks.” Since we are all, each and every one of us, unique and special, we each respond differently to people and situations. Therefore, “What’s good for the […]

Do You Have a One-Person Horse? Or Dog? Or Cat?

The larger question is whether animals CAN be “one-person” individuals. And yes, of course they can. They come in as many different personality types as we do,  so why should they be any different? I just spoke to an aging show jumper — “Cinder” (to […]

Animal Communication – Protecting Your Power

If you’re an animal communicator, you’re almost certainly what’s known as an empath. An empath is someone who can pick up empathically the feelings of another. It’s kind of like vicariously experiencing the thoughts or feelings of someone else without having been given any objective […]

Animal Communication —– Getting the “BIG PICTURE”

Once I had finally decided to set my sites on really and truly becoming an animal communicator, doors started to blow open. If you’ve read previous posts on this blog, you know that I believe that our will and intention are just about our strongest […]

Yes Dorothy, Even You Can Communicate With Animals!

Everybody can communicate with animals if they want to. Most of us do all the time, at least those of us who have animals and love them and treat them like family. Yet when the subject of “animal communication” as a special skill or profession […]