Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Animal Communication – Kali Tells Us What Heaven Is Like


I had a most wonderful chat with a cat, Kali, this past week. Kali had passed over, with help from her beloved person, Ellie, on April 29th after struggling with heart disease for quite some time, and she talked to me from what I can only describe as “Heaven.” Ellie had contacted me after Kali’s passing to see if, through animal communication, we might be able to contact Kali’s spirit in order to make sure she was all right, had crossed over the rainbow bridge safely, and that Ellie had done the right thing by employing euthanasia to help relieve her suffering and move on. Ellie knew Kali had asked for this help but naturally, in her grief-stricken state, was doubting her own actions.

Ellie described what so many of us feel when we lose an animal who is especially close to us: like we can barely go on and life isn’t worth living without them. She hoped that contacting Kali would not only reassure her that Kali was okay, but would also bring more closure and peace of mind for herself. Many people seek out a good animal communicator for this purpose.

The grief following the death of one of our animal family is no different from that felt when one loses a human family member. In fact for many people it’s even more intense. The grieving process must be acknowledged and honored in order to get through it and come out whole, and this isn’t always easy when grief is over an animal because our culture doesn’t readily provide support and understanding equal to its impact. But grieve we must. And yes, there is something about contacting the spirit of the departed and learning that it still lives on and is doing well that is infinitely comforting in these situations. In my opinion, this is a very valid reason to use animal communication.

So, back to Kali. We found her at about “cloud height,” a level at which I often locate spirits through animal communication within the first couple of weeks after passing. This level seems to be a common one for the spirit once it has finished separating from its physical body and been cleared of the attendant weightiness. Sometimes this process of clearing takes a while, and there usually seems to be a phase of what could be called comatosis after passing (especially after death from a sudden accident or dire illness) before a spirit awakens refreshed and relieved and ready to take its next step.

Kali loomed huge and imposing and immediately showed me her direct and dry sense of humor by batting at the “veil” between her level and ours. This plus other playful visuals let us know right away that she was in a good place and feeling spunky and happy.

Besides the intimate messages that went back and forth between Kali and Ellie during our animal communication session, Kali showed me in visuals and mental impressions just what her current surroundings were like. I’ve gotten hints of this from animals at that level before, but Kali really laid it out. Here are the notes I took from that part of the session, reproduced here with Kali and Ellie’s full permission:

She shows me it is kind of like being in an airplane that is flying through the clouds, in and out of them. Except that there are all kinds of other beings and things around her that we would not be able to see with our limited perceptions. There’s a lot of color, a few other animals whom I assume are in the same stage of passage, definitely angelic spirits, little elf-like nature spirits, green grass that she keeps showing me – she seems delighted by that – other plants and flowers. She even shows me a fluffy cat bed. But all of these sort of come and go in her perception, as she desires to see them. So it’s not like they are permanent fixtures. Rather, they just appear automatically and instantly, as she needs them or thinks of them. She shows me there are many who are caring for her (and they seem to take a few different forms), but they don’t hover or fawn over her every minute because she doesn’t want that. They are there though and aware all the time of what is going on for her. She shows me approaching one to be fed at one point, and how that was handled, kind of in what I can only describe as a “mime” sort of way. But it satisfied her and helped her learn that she didn’t really need or want food in the same way now.

I think what’s important here is that Kali showed me that the spirit receives exactly what it needs when at this level of passage where it is still getting used to being out of body. So the picture would be different for each.

When the spirit moves on to higher planes depends upon its needs, but how reassuring to know there exists this safe haven in Heaven when one wakes up on the other side.

Thank you, Kali, for showing us this so clearly!


If you are experiencing tremendous grief from the loss of an animal and are having a hard time getting through it, please consider contacting a grief expert in this field. Teresa Wagner, at, does beautiful work in this area and makes it her specialty. There are many others who can help you as well. I wish you peace and blessings.