Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Tag: coyotes

To Hunt or Not To Hunt — The Battle Rages On!

I was raised in a family of hunters. Mostly we ate what we killed, but there were those requisite trophies hanging on the wall and lying on the floor too. My grandfather had elk and deer heads hanging all over his house and a bear […]

Bessie Flew the Coop!!!

As she raced by me and squeezed out the gate like greased lightning, I distinctly heard Bessie say: “I’m done! I’m outta here!” This was yesterday morning. I was entering the chicken coop. And she was exiting it — and not to be deterred! It […]

We’re In Mourning

Mr. Pants became so adept and cavalier about his outings through the fence that he taught four other chicks his trick. But, not being Zen Buddhists like he is, they were not quite as quick on the draw about how to get back into safety. […]