Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Sally Salazar, Teenage Pet Psychic, Can Talk to Animals! The Case of the Bedridden Bunny…

salcoverkindleOkay animal communication friends! The first in my kids’ book series went live today on Kindle:

“The Adventures of Sally Salazar, Teenage Pet Psychic – The Case of the Bedridden Bunny.”

You can see/order it HERE on Kindle for just $2.99. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can borrow it for free.

I have taught animal communication to kids of different ages  several times through the years, and still it seems there are always kids who want to attend my adult classes. So, from what I’ve seen and experienced, there is a natural and intense interest in this area amongst our young ones. I felt it was time someone finally started addressing that in books for our wee ones. This series is age appropriate for about 5-6 to 9-10 years, but I have another book coming out soon for the even-younger crowd, along the lines of “A Kid’s ABCs on How to Talk to Animals.”

This is a very short book — it won’t take over about 10 minutes to read — so I would love it if you would take a peek and then put up a review… I’m shooting to get 20-25 reviews right away to help get this out to the youngsters who are hungry for it.

Please help spread the message that there is FINALLY something published about animal communication with our younger kids in mind. It’s time we got the word out to the next generation in some way that is fun and might excite and inspire them! Thanks a million!
