Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

The “Window of Normal Emotions” – How It Can Help Us Heal

I took this picture at the Tor (tower) in Glastonbury, England, some years ago. This opening felt like a mystical window on a world of possibilities!
I took this picture at the legendary Tor (tower) in Glastonbury, England, some years ago. This opening felt like a symbolic, mystical window on a world of possibilities! May you find yours, and may it lead you to good health.

We all know how, when we’re  really sick, anything and everything in life feels insurmountable. You have a high fever, or a migraine headache, or you’re throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time.  Even thinking about a routine day or going to work makes it ten times worse.

Fortunately, these extreme cycles of illness usually come and go over a period of days  and you get back to yourself fairly quickly and can take up where you left off with your regular duties, work, and play.

Not so, however, with many of the maladies people are suffering from  these days: Epstein-Barr or chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme Disease, thyroid imbalance, blood sugar problems or diabetes, chronic pain and inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, STRESS from an overloaded schedule, to name just a few.

These and many more ailments or diseases often go undetected and are not diagnosed for years, if ever. They are commonly insidious and subtle, rather than blatant and outright like the flu, and can take one’s level of energy and general health down so slowly that the person they afflict doesn’t even realize what is happening. Instead, the body adapts to it’s “less than” health status and becomes severely compromised.

Life becomes a string of accommodations: getting less exercise because one just doesn’t have the energy — to the point of eventually getting none; eating more and more sugar and carbohydrates in order to get one’s blood sugar level into a normal-feeling range; relying on caffeine in order to function; sleeping too much or not sleeping at all. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle … and yet the afflicted individual comes to believe that this is “normal” and only to be expected as one ages, etc., etc.

Believe me, it is NOT normal at all. And it’s very important to wake up and smell the coffee (but drink a little less of it!). I can attest to this pattern personally because many years ago I slowly became severely anemic and unable to function and yet somehow denied what was happening, thinking I was just tired, until the condition became life-threatening.

What’s important to realize about this pattern is that, while in it, one loses all perspective about what’s normal and what’s not. Judgment becomes skewed so there’s literally no energy or ability to make correct decisions about options regarding one’s health. The “sense of well being” is so long gone it is but a figment of the imagination, if one can still even “imagine” that feeling at all.

My algae upline, a Chinese Medicine doctor and acupuncturist, recently talked about how a “window of normal emotions,” even if felt and glimpsed for a few brief moments by the ailing individual, could be a true life saver. How? By literally “waking you up.”

The “window” occurs during those unexpected moments where you once again feel a glimmer of good health — no matter how brief. You wake up feeling excited about your day. You have the energy to take a walk — even if it’s just a short one. You feel inspired about cooking a meal for the first time in ages ….  and it feels GOOD!It might not last long, but it feels really good.

Those feelings of happiness and well-being — “windows of normal emotion” — are priceless incentives that will remind you that indeed you CAN do something about your poor health. You CAN take more control and make  choices that will lead you back to balance.

So watch for those “windows of normal emotion” and seize the day when they occur. Order that life-giving supplement you’ve heard about, or spend just 10 minutes nurturing yourself in some way you’ve been craving for months. Just DO something. One step at a time, one day at a time, and “window” – to – “window,” you’ll get there. Don’t give up hope! You CAN feel better!!

(Secret advice: I know of NO better life-building/immune-system-enhancing pure food than blue-green algae, and over the past 20 years have watched countless individuals, both human and animal, recover from life-threatening conditions once they started eating it. You might consider it as an option  when you’re in a “window of normal emotions.” I wish you well!)



My Algae Story