Health & Wealth for Humans and Their Animals

Category: Penelope Smith

The Other Shoe (painting) Drops (falls into my lap)

If you’ve followed this blog at all, then you know that my very favorite painter in the whole world is Susan Hertel, and that I now own and live in the house she built in the late 1980’s in Cerrillos, New Mexico, just south of […]

Hearing the Animals

Almost without exception, the first quandary a new student of animal communication poses goes something like this: “I feel like my animal is hearing what I’m telling him, but I don’t feel like I’m hearing what he’s trying to tell me!” One woman at a […]

Do I Hear Voices?

Do animals flag me down on the street? Are they just waiting everywhere to ambush me and have a conversation? I get asked a LOT if I walk around hearing voices or what animals are thinking all the time? The answer is a simple NO. […]

Penelope Smith Comes to Dinner!

Yesterday was a great day. In many respects. Not the least of which was the fact that Penelope Smith, the preeminent forerunner of animal communication in our country, came to dinner! At my house! In Cerrillos, New Mexico! There is a story here. But first […]